Magnify the Faith with Dementia

How We Work

We, The Hem of Christ are dedicated to serving everyone living with dementia by meeting each person where they are at in their life’s journey with the disease. The work we do is not complex, instead rooted simply in willing the good of the other. 

Our work’s foundation is based on personal experience and input from those living with dementia and care partners. Rooted in the Teachings of the Church, we remain true to those teachings while maintaining a sense of fluidity in how we answer the Call to serve those living with Dementia. 

We can be found in parishes, active in our diocese, within our Catholic schools, and within faith organizations. It is here where we provide education, retreats, workshops, and cultivate community gatherings and connections. 

Our Vision Statement

Commitment to the Teachings of the Chruch

We remain true to the dignity of all human life. 

The Board of Directors, Advisors, Staff, Volunteers, and partnering organizations support and follow the Ethical and Religious Directives of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. We boldly live our faith in our personal and professional lives. We are pro-life, never support Euthanasia/Medical Assisted Suicide, and speak out to support our elders, those living with dementia, and care partners as they seek to live the Truth of the Church. We are not a legal or medical association but may connect you to the appropriate counsel if and when support outside of our scope of practice arises regarding living out the teachings of the Church, Elder Abuse, or other concerns that attack one’s dignity. 

Our Board of Directors will always have a Priest, Bishop, or Deacon acting as chaplain and ministry counsel to keep each offering in-line with Church doctrine.  

Letter to the Elderly

October 1, 1999 by St. John Paul II

Our Journey to Now

The Spark
Care Community Visits
Care Community Visits

By taking time to bring the Eucharist and sit in prayer with those living in skilled care, Kate noticed the difference it made in the resident's life and noticed how the faithful can become the connection to one's faith with dementia. 

Something New
Bible and Cross
First Steps of a Ministry

Kate adds an element of dementia care ministry to her work with the Dementia Letters Project, by offering Life Enrichment programs based in Sacred Art and Prayer

Work Beings
First Workshop
First Workshop

Kate develops the Wealthy in Faith workshop and trains Parishes to become Community Purple Angels.

Hem of Christ
Full Ministry

The Frying Pan Moment occurred and after years of developing and refining the Wealthy in Faith workshop, Kate takes the first steps to develop what you see today. 

For the Glory of God
GIVEN 2021
The Launch

The Hem of Christ officially launches and later becomes a GIVEN Action Plan and partakes in the OSV Innovation Accelerator cohort. 

Join Our Story

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