
Lent 2023

Join The Hem of Christ as we walk together these 40 Days. 
Accepting Christ’s Invitation

About The Event

Lent 2023

Our “Yes” Will you accept Christ’s Invitation?

We can allow the suffering of this disease and the weariness of care to give us an excuse to ignore Christ’s invitation to love Him more. In times of suffering when we find ourselves contemplating our relationship with God, may we remember that Christ too suffered on Good Friday. That through the suffering of the Cross He was able to rise on Easter Morning. 

This Lent we journey together to accept Christ’s invitation to draw closer to Him. we learn to continue to invite others into our lives during times of suffering.

The Hem of Christ is please to offer you three options to grow closer to Christ this Lent.


1. The Invitation: A social media campaign (with a corresponding blog post here)

2. An Audio Retreat

3. A Lenten Box

Our Lenten Journey Together

All of us are in different places in life, in care, and on the dementia journey.

Below are options for ways to can walk together based on what you are seeking this Lent. Feel free to select one or all of the following offerings. 

Lent 2023

The Invitation Online

$ 0

Join us on Instagram and Facebook each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday @hemofchrist to journey together in community.

Audio Retreat

Audio Retreat

$ 25

Launching on March 15th, sign up to join the 2-hour audio retreat exploring our Lenten the of The Invitation. It comes with a downloadable audio file with handouts.


Lenten Prayer Box

$ 45

Receive a box filled with materials to help you through this season, including a Hem of Christ Mug, Prayer cards, A copy of the Peace with Dementia Rosary, and a weekly prayer journal. You will also receive the audio retreat and 12 coupons for free 1:1 calls with Kate for prayer and guided faith-based Life Enrichment programs.

Accessing The Invitation

Depending on how you join us this year, you will receive an email within 24 hours of signing up that hold specific details regarding accessing the reflections, audio retreat, and/or Lenten Box. 

Audio Retreat
Logo 2021

About the Organizer



Faith that cures. Those living with dementia hold that in their hearts, and while cannot cure them of dementia, we can help them continue to draw close to the Lord, healing them of the distress, fear, and isolation dementia invites into our lives.

Faith does not jump out the window when dementia walks through the door. Memory may diminish, but our spirit still thirsts for Christ. While the health care industry strips one of their faith because of their diagnosis of dementia, we, the Hem of Christ Ministry, seeks to help them return to the sacraments, grow in faith, and live fully alive. We can bring the hem of Christ to others.

Meet the Lenten Team - Here to Guide Your Experience

Kathryne Fassbender





Contributing Artist


Spiritual Director

Our Sponsor

Thank you to the Estate of Emmie Lou Sternitzky for making this retreat a reality.


Interested in sponsoring our next retreat? Email outreach@hemofchrist.org to discuss the possibilities.

Join us in Prayer!

Registration is Closed