Active in Ministry


Magnifying faith on this dementia journey through in-person and virtual means. As a Family, Parish, or Care Community, we offer a range of services seeking to accompany you, equipping you with the tools you need to live the dignity of the faith. 

Our Offerings


In addition to the Advent retreat, we offer a variety of audio retreats and retreats in the form of Memory Cafés.


Through our capstone training, Wealthy in Faith, keynote address, and lectures we help people of faith explore what it means to live a life with dementia. 

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Arts and Health

Offering Arts Access, Memory Cafés, and Life Enrichment programming with a theme of our Catholic faith and spirituality. 

Parish Ministry

Assisting Parishes and Diocese in creating active ministries, offering spiritual support groups, and parish connection groups for those living with dementia. 

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Are you an Artist?

The Hem of Christ seeks to support artists who work to bring Christ to others through their work, and encourage artists to create a Christ-filled narrative of life with dementia. Working with both the professional and hobbits alike.

We would love to partner with you and find ways to financially support your work.